Stereotaxic Surgery
Bregma. Ilustration of Bregma on a Human Skull.
Bregma and Lambda. Illustration of Lambda and Bregma on a rat skull.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE). A journal that focuses on publishing video-based research. Most of their content is currently centred around the visualization of particular methods. For example, an ‘article’ on survivable stereotaxic surgery in rodents. (You or your school have to be a subscriber in order for you to have access to this content. However, an anti-animal-experimentation site currently has a ‘reprint’ of the stereotaxic surgery article posted here.)
Gurney Let Loose in MR Scan Room. Another MRI safety video. Imagine your patient is a watermelon….
DANGER! Flying Objects!. A collection of images (from of objects that have been sucked into the bore of an MRI. Horses: Please take your shoes off at the door!
Chair gets stuck in an MRI machine. Turning off the MRI is often not an option.
Vegetative state patients can respond to questions. A BBC article covering some of the work by Adrian Owen on assessing (using fMRI) level of consciousness in vegetative patients. Here is the associated New England Journal of Medicine (NJEM) Article. (You or your school have to be a subscriber in order for you to have access to NJEM.